Daisy’s horrid, terrible, very bad day

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Ohai friends. I’m unwinding in my fluffy pink sleeping bag on account of I just had a very  horrid couple of days! would you like to hear about it?

A few days ago, my Mommeh gathered me up and zipped me into my carrier. Earlier, she didn’t mention anything about any appointment or social visit on the calendar, so as you can imagine, this was quite a surprise for me. Anyway, look where I ended up: I was stunned and impressed to find myself at the veterinarian’s office!

There were a bunch of birds flying around for entertainment, but I was not lulled into a false sense of security. As you may remember, I am eleven years old now. This implies I am considered a senior cat (even though I did NOT get a senior citizen’s discount). once we get a little older, things can in some cases start to go wrong so even though it’s no fun, it is very essential to have regular checkups to make sure everything is still working correctly on the inside.

The doctor checked my ears, my eyeballs, my teeth, listened to my heart, and I am a little bit embarrassed to admit, he emptied my anal glands (but please do not tell anybody that part). then he stole some of my blood to test–sucked it best out of my arm with a needle. I am very happy to tell you that I passed my blood test with flying colors! and I didn’t even study for it!

I thought I was all done, but there was much more in store for me. just two days later, I went back and had a dental cleaning. I slept through that procedure, so I do not remember what happened, but my teeth are all clean now. I checked, and I still have all of my teeth, too. The only thing I have to remember my ordeal by is this bald patch on my arm from the catheter. I would smile real big to show you my teeth, but the reflection off my pearly whites might blind you!

Since I would like to set a good example for other cats and dogs, I recommend that if you are past due for your annual routine veterinary examination, have your mother or father schedule it for you now. Besides, if you act real good at the vet’s office and do not growl, you will probably get a treat when you’re done!



Daisy the Curly CatDentalVeterinary Care

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