Review: Taming Me: Memoir of a smart Island feline by Cathy Unruh

Taming Me: Memoir of a smart Island feline by Cathy Unruh is the story of Lucy Miracle, a formerly feral kitten who learns to appreciate the joys of ending up being a housecat. Narrated by Lucy herself, we very first satisfy the hungry bit kitten while she is foraging for food on a personal island in the Bahamas, properly named feline Cay.

Based on a true story, the visitor gets to follow Lucy from her wild beginnings to the life of a spoiled as well as much liked housecat. Blending truth with fiction, the author shares Lucy’s journey in the kitten’s own words. however if you expect just a adorable speaking cat, you’re going to be disappointed. Unruh provides Lucy’s point of view in a sensitive, caring, as well as imaginative way. The author clearly understands as well as likes cats.

Through Lucy’s eyes, we discover what goes on in the mind of a feral feline when she is trapped. We get to imagine the interior struggle of a feline who was born free, however concerns appreciate not having to question where the next meal is going to come from. I was especially touched by the passages where Lucy begins to enable herself to count on the humans in the story. as well as even though the story is told by Lucy, the author shows us exactly how it is possible for a human who has the patience as well as a true comprehending of a cat’s nature, to tame a feral kitten. In the end, like always wins.

This captivating, in some cases sad, in some cases funny book is sure to pleasure feline lovers.

Cathy Unruh is an Emmy Award-winning television journalist as well as a longtime animal advocate. She grew up on a pastime farm, where the interaction with cats, dogs, rabits, horses, sheep, as well as cows taught her that animals are individuals, not commodities. She resides in the Tampa Bay area of Florida, as well as is a part-time local of feline Cay in the Bahamas, where she satisfied as well as embraced Lucy Miracle, the narrator as well as protagonist of Taming Me. For much more information, see Cathy’s site or Facebook page.

I got an advancement reading copy of this book. getting the free copy did not influence my review.

Ingrid King

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5 comments on Review: Taming Me: Memoir of a smart Island feline by Cathy Unruh

Dawn says:

October 21, 2012 at 9:49 am

I can’t wait to checked out this. I’ve been complying with her Facebook page for a while now. Well, really Lola has. ?


Ryker’s Boyz ‘n’ Allie says:

October 19, 2012 at 6:10 pm

I’m fascinated by this book – it appears like a fantastic story as well as I’ve heard excellent things about it from other blog reviews, too.


AnnaZed says:

October 19, 2012 at 3:01 pm

How marvelous


Deb Barnes – Zee as well as Zoey says:

October 19, 2012 at 12:37 pm

I fell in like with Lucy miracle when I evaluated this book as well as am so pleased there is a resource that teaches about feral cats, however in a method that is entertaining for the visitor as well as not overwhelming in scope.


sue brandes says:

October 19, 2012 at 9:59 am

Sounds like it would be an emotional as well as moving book. Lucy is so pretty. going to add this to my reading. thanks for the review.


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