My pet dog Growls at other Dogs

Normal, social dogs growl, bark and snap. It’s their way of communicating. Growling is normally not bad.

My mutt Ace is the most gentle pet dog I know, but he will growl at other dogs when appropriate, like when our puppy won’t stop biting his jowls or when a pet dog won’t stop humping him at the pet dog park.

There is normally at least one pest at the pet dog park who runs around trying to hump everything in sight!

Usually my pet dog Ace tolerates this behavior for about five seconds. then he flings his body around. If the “humper” persists, Ace’s hackles go up and he might bark at the other pet dog – “Do not like!”

If the pet dog still tries to hump him, that’s when Ace lets out a ferocious growl. This is normally followed by a friendly tail wag – “Hey, I’m a great guy, but please don’t hump me.” Both dogs shake themselves off and either part ways or play. (2018 update: Ace has passed away.)

I remember when I was pet sitting a German shepherd puppy and an adult Maltese from the same family. The German shepherd was around 45 pounds soon to be 75+ pounds, complete with puppy teeth and clumsy paws. The Maltese was 4 pounds.

If the Maltese didn’t growl at the shepherd, she would get stepped on and injured. She has to draw some limits so the shepherd would back off. I never corrected the Maltese for growling. Instead, I re-directed the shepherd’s attention.

If your pet dog growls at other dogs, don’t punish him

Growling is a dog’s way of alerting us that she is feeling stressed. Dogs that are punished for growling learn to stop giving this alerting sign and go ideal to a snap or bite. instead of correcting a pet dog for growling, re-direct her attention and give her a break from whatever is causing her stress.

There are all kinds of scenarios that will cause a normal, social pet dog to growl. I’ve covered some of them below. feel complimentary to share a lot more examples and suggestions.

1. It’s normal for dogs to growl when they are playing

When two dogs are wrestling and playing, they will both play growl. It’s easy to tell when both dogs are having fun, because they will show an equal amount of energy.

The a lot more energetic dog will probably roll over on her back and let the other pet dog “win” so the other pet dog will feel comfortable “attacking” her. then they’ll switch. Both dogs will play bite and play growl – and it gets very loud! They might chase each other, bite each other, bark or play tug with the nearest toy.

2. normal alerting growls – pet dog parks, pet dog daycares, pet dog playdates

Normal dogs use growling to communicate after the other pet dog (or person) has ignored previous alerting signs that they’ve had enough.

For example, if one pet dog no longer wants to play, she will likely stop instigating the wrestling. She will start avoiding the other pet dog by looking away or pretending to be interested in something else “Oh, this smells good!” She will likely stand up and shake herself off, which dogs will do when they are ending something, kind of like a big sigh of relief – “Well that was fun, what’s next?”

If the other pet dog continues to pester her, she might yawn (a calming signal) and keep looking away. Next, she might stiffen, raise her lips, crinkle her muzzle and growl.

If the other pet dog still won’t leave her alone, that’s when she might snap, lunge or let out a vicious bark – “Get the f— off me!”

3. owners make the mistake of scolding the pet dog that snapped.

Really, the other pet dog (the pest) in this example must have been re-directed long before the occurrence escalated. Younger, a lot more energetic dogs need to learn boundaries, especially if they haven’t been around enough dogs and can’t control their never-ending desires to play. These are the dogs that shouldn’t be at the pet dog park quite yet. They must socialize in smaller, a lot more controlled groups of dogs first.

In scenarios such as pet dog daycare or the pet dog park where one pet dog won’t leave my pet dog alone, I re-direct their attentions with toys or food or by calling them.

Sometimes I have Ace sit and stay at my side for a minute to give him a chance to re-group. normally the other pet dog runs off and annoys someone else. This “time out” is not a punishment. It’s a chance for my pet dog to kick back and take a break. After a minute or so, my pet dog is eager to go back and play. If not, then it’s a good time for us to leave the park.

I also call my pet dog and have him sit at my side whenever a new pet dog enters the park so my pet dog isn’t the one overwhelming the newcomer.

4. pet dog growls at other dogs when guarding/showing possessiveness of toys or food

Dogs have a tendency to guard food or toys. Ace will growlat other dogs that try to take his resources. This is common dog behavior, although probably not something any of us would like our dogs to do. The pet dog is saying, “This is mine! Leave me alone!” Typically, the dogs work this out on their own with no issues.

The problem is, some dogs become overly possessive and will bite a pet dog or person who comes near their food or toy. This is why I do not tolerate any possessive growling from my pet dog even if he is guarding something that is technically “his.” If he growls at an obnoxious young puppy who needs to learn some rules, I think that is acceptable. but if he growls at my cat walking by who doesn’t even want his toy, that is not acceptable.

I also expect all dogs in my house need to understand that everything belongs to the humans first. If Ace wants a toy, he is going to sit first. If he wants to eat, he is going to lie down and wait calmly for a few minutes. I make this process fun and satisfying for the dogs (“Wow, what a good sit! You’re such a good boy!”), not stressful and frustrating.

You also want to show your pet dog a command such as “leave it” or “drop” or “trade” and help him associate receiving something even better for obeying. For example, if he drops the rawhide, he gets a piece of chicken. My pet dog understands “drop” to indicate “put it down” and “leave it” to indicate “don’t touch that.” He doesn’t need treats to obey these commands, but I try to surprise him every now and then with something terrific (a tennis ball) for obeying.

For a lot more information on possessiveness, see my post on how to help a pet dog with toy aggression.

5. Dogs growl when they are scared

Animals will get defensive if they feel threatened, especially if they are cornered.

The crucial here is that normal, socialized dogs are not going to feel threatened by something ordinary like a dude shoveling his driveway, a kid racing by on a scooter or a big, black pet dog barking. That’s why it’s crucial to socialize puppies and dogs to as lots of different people, sounds and situations as possible throughout their lives.

I want my pet dog to growl if a odd man is stalking us during an evening walk, for example (although I don’t know if he would). but I don’t want my pet dog to growl at every man who walks by us after dark. Thankfully, he doesn’t.

Dogs growl!

Dog owners need to remember that growling is a normal part of pet dog communication.

It is our job to socialize our dogs and give them plenty of opportunities to interact with other dogs. It is also our responsibility to limit the amount of anxiety our dogs experience and to supply them with safe and constructive ways to deal with the anxiety they unavoidably will experience.

What are some other scenarios where it is normal for a socialized pet dog to growl?

Do you have any questions or examples about your dog’s growling? Leave them in the comments!

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